polycrisis stakeholder map

Authors:  Michael Lawrence, Jinelle Piereder

The Cascade Institute uses stakeholder and social network mapping tools to better understand our strategic environment, to identify and engage with key stakeholders, and to better assess our impact. Here, we present all the participants in the V. K. Rasmussen Foundation’s Exploring the Polycrisis conference, affiliated institutions working on related themes, and their connections. Our database is built in Airtable and visualized using a systems mapping tool called Kumu, and functions essentially as a digital network rolodex.

How to use the map:

Hover over any node to see a popup summary of its profile.

Click on any node to see a more detailed profile, including its location and relevant publications.

Search for specific people or organizations by clicking the search icon in the top left corner of the map.

Customize your view by using the dropdown menus at the bottom of the map. You can adjust the map to show nodes from particular countries, of a specific node type, or nodes specialized in particular themes.

Zoom in and out by using your mouse’s roller ball or by clicking the plus and minus icons at the top-right of the map. Click the two arrows pointing to each other to fit the whole map in the frame. You can also grab and move the map background with your mouse to reposition your view.

Is your organization missing from the map? Submit your organization here.