Technical Papers


Entangled climate risks: Interactions between permafrost thaw and wildfires

The relationship between wildfires, permafrost thaw, and permafrost carbon feedback in the context of accelerating climate change is ...

Prospecting for superhot rock energy

Superhot rock energy is attracting growing interest from governments, energy suppliers, and energy transition researchers due to its high power density and potential to provide large-scale, always-on electricity production. But to improve ...
Version of Record

Catastrophic Dehumanization: A formal model

A formal model draws on insights from conflict, critical-transition, and catastrophe theories to explain the causal mechanisms that ...

Impact 2024: How Donald Trump’s Reelection Could Amplify Global Inter-systemic Risk

The November 2024 federal election in the United States could mark an abrupt inflection point not only in ...
Technical Paper

Drilling for Superhot Geothermal Energy: A Technology Gap Analysis

This report reviews state-of-the-art deep geothermal drilling and well-construction technologies, identifies existing technology gaps, and suggests strategies to ...

Ultradeep Geothermal Research and Action Roadmap

This Roadmap outlines a plan to advance ultradeep geothermal power—that is, geothermal systems with depths greater than 5 ...