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A Breakthrough in Next-generation Geothermal Systems

If Canada is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and compete globally in a net-zero world, it must rapidly improve the zero-carbon energy systems already in its energy portfolio and develop new energy technologies to fill critical gaps and diversify its energy supply. Geothermal is currently limited to unique geological locations that have high subsurface temperature gradients coupled with existing water reservoirs accessible within a few kilometres of the surface. Canada does have such conventional “hydrothermal” resources in the western provinces and territories, although they remain largely unexploited due to logistical, regulatory, and financial challenges.

But the true opportunity for geothermal power for Canada and the world is at greater depths, which must be accessed with next-generation geothermal technologies. Unlike shallower hydrothermal geothermal systems, which tap into existing reservoirs of hot water or steam, ultradeep geothermal systems require the use of “next-generation” heat extraction technologies, of which there are two main types. Advanced geothermal systems (AGS) circulate the working fluid through closed-loop networks of connected pipe, while enhanced geothermal systems (EGS)—sometimes referred to as “open-loop systems”—circulate the fluid through artificially created fractures in the rock. Collectively, these geothermal technologies are referred to as next-generation systems.

Not all next-generation systems are ultradeep, but all ultradeep geothermal systems must use next-generation systems.

When drilling ultradeep geothermal wells becomes economical, it will be possible to produce geothermal power virtually anywhere in the world, unlocking an energy resource thousands of times larger than humanity will ever need. This opportunity is being recognized worldwide. Major government-funded research initiatives are underway in the United States, China, Japan, and the European Union. They focus primarily on how to drill into hard (igneous and metamorphic) rock formations cost-effectively. A secondary aim is to create reservoirs that can sustain the 40-plus-year lifespans of geothermal plants.

Research with a Purpose

With expertise in geology, geophysics, drilling, and policy, members of the Ultradeep Geothermal program team identify the most promising opportunities and priorities for technology, policy, and regulation; highlights key gaps; and provides guidance for how public and private investment can support efforts to rapidly close these gaps.

The program provides analysis on ultradeep geothermal’s four main technological challenges:

  1. Reduce drilling time: To drill faster—and therefore cheaper—in hard rock (crystalline igneous and metamorphic rock), we need to improve drilling methods and drill bit longevity.
  2. Develop high-temperature downhole tools and advanced temperature management technologies: The deeper the well, the hotter it gets. To contend with the extreme temperatures and pressures of ultradeep geothermal drilling, we require downhole tools with higher temperature ratings and better temperature management technologies to create a cooler environment within the well during drilling.
  3. Improve well-completion technologies: Well-completion components such as cement and well casings need to handle high temperatures and last for >40 years.
  4. Improve heat extraction methods: Heat extraction methods for both open-loop and closed-loop systems must be optimized for heat recovery at increasing depths, pressures and temperatures.

It also provides practical solutions to address the top three policy challenges for geothermal systems (of all types and depths):

  1. Address lack of regulatory frameworks and rules for permitting and rights/tenure: Currently, only three Canadian provinces have regulatory frameworks that specifically address geothermal (Alberta, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia). These frameworks must be expanded and improved—and new regulations, permitting procedures, and tenure rules must be developed in other Canadian jurisdictions.
  2. Harmonize and streamline policy across jurisdictions: Existing geothermal policy in Canada is inconsistent and fragmented across jurisdictions, creating unnecessary complexity leading to investment and development risk.
  3. Create cohesive messaging on geothermal policy: The lack of a unified voice creates confusion for potential funders and policymakers.

September 23, 2024

Emily Smejkal, Peter Massie, and Thomas Homer-Dixon

September 11, 2024

Rebecca Pearce, Cascade Institute; Tony Pink and Pink Granite Consulting

August 20, 2024

Cascade Institute Ultradeep Geothermal Team 

March 19, 2024

Cascade Institute Ultradeep Geothermal Team 

May 27, 2022

Globe and Mail article by Thomas Homer-Dixon, Ian Graham, and Ellen Quigley