
Complexity Curricula Video 11: Risk and Uncertainty

This video explains the critical distinction between risk and uncertainty. Decision-makers often navigate their options by assessing risk—by plotting the probabilities, costs, and benefits of different outcomes and deciding accordingly. But the world is increasingly characterized by situations in which the range of possible outcomes and their probabilities are virtually impossible to estimate. This video discusses the situations in which traditional risk management approaches will and will not work.

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Complexity Curricula Video 10: Wicked Problems and System Pathologies

This video explains why contemporary systemic conditions generate such “wicked” problems and explores the ways in which organizations can operate either effectively or poorly in such circumstances. Several recurring patterns of feedback within and between organizations often undermine their endeavours, and require much more systemic approaches to management.

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Complexity Curricula Video 9: Adaptation and Resilience

This video provides a clear introduction to the concepts of adaptation and resilience in the context of organizations. It focuses specifically on panarchy theory and the adaptive cycle, which help explain the ways in which organizations develop, gain and lose resilience, and undergo bouts of creative destruction. The video concludes by exploring strategies by which managers can foster resilience in their organizations and activities.

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Complexity curricula video 8: Technology

This video examines the role of technology in complex systems. Technologies are procedures that harness natural phenomena—that is, transform matter, energy, and information—to fulfill human purposes. They are an obvious source of societal innovation, yet they can also get “locked-in” to sub-optimal patterns, just like institutions do. This video investigates the advantages and disadvantages of social media, platform technologies, and other inventions as potential “game-changers” in economy and society.

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Complexity Curricula Video 7: Institutions

This video examines the role of institutions in complex systems. Institutions are “sticky”—once they are established, they tend to get “locked-in” over long periods of time during which they experience only small, incremental change (path dependence). But these periods of stability are occasionally punctuated by “critical junctures”—moments of contingency in which old rules break down and a range of new possibilities open up.

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