Scott Janzwood

Complexity curricula video 3: Feedbacks and system maps

This video explains how causal feedback loops often comprise the underlying structure of complex systems. Feedbacks generate recurring patterns of system behaviour that often resist our best efforts to change them. By creating stock and flow diagrams and causal loop diagrams, we can identify positive (self-reinforcing) and negative (self-balancing) feedbacks.

Complexity curricula video 3: Feedbacks and system maps Read More »

Instead of lurching from one catastrophe to the next, B.C. needs to understand how its crises are linked

Globe and Mail article by Thomas Homer-Dixon and Robin Cox — We need to improve how we marshal, integrate, apply and communicate the best knowledge about B.C.’s emerging risks – those known and anticipated, as well as those unexpected and even currently unimaginable.

Instead of lurching from one catastrophe to the next, B.C. needs to understand how its crises are linked Read More »