Prospecting for superhot rock energy

Rebecca Pearce et al.
Summary of a technology gap analysis for siting and characterizing superhot rock energy resources.

Catastrophic Dehumanization: A formal model

Thomas Homer-Dixon
A formal model drawing on insights from conflict, critical-transition, and catastrophe theories to explain the causal mechanisms that produce sudden dehumanization in situations of extreme conflict.

Impact 2024: How Donald Trump’s Reelection Could Amplify Global Inter-systemic Risk

Thomas Homer-Dixon, Michael Lawrence, Megan Shipman, Luke Kemp
This report, updated with an October 29, 2024 addendum, assesses how a second Trump administration could supercharge global political, economic, geopolitical, environmental, and pandemic risks and how those risks could then combine to escalate the world's already severe polycrisis.

Drilling for Superhot Geothermal Energy: A Technology Gap Analysis

Rebecca Pearce, Tony Pink
This report reviews state-of-the-art deep geothermal drilling and well-construction technologies, identifies existing technology gaps, and suggests strategies to overcome these gaps.

Ultradeep Geothermal Research and Action Roadmap

Leighton Gall, Dave Lovekin, Rebecca Pearce, Emily Smejkal
This Roadmap outlines a plan to advance ultradeep geothermal power—that is, geothermal systems with depths greater than 5 km—to commercial operation in Canada.

Polycrisis Research and Action Roadmap

Michael Lawrence, Megan Shipman, Scott Janzwood, Constantin Arnscheidt, Jonathan Donges, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Christian Otto, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Nico Wunderling
This report offers a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of the emerging field of polycrisis analysis, including gaps, opportunities, and potential priorities.

Positive Pathways through Polycrisis

Michael Lawrence and Megan Shipman
This report explores how polycrisis analysis can help us navigate through polycrisis and pursue "positive pathways" to better futures.

Casual Loop Diagrams handbook

This handbook explains how to read and draw a causal loop diagrams (CLD) — a systems mapping technique that helps us to think through our mental model of a system, increase our understanding of a system, and communicate our knowledge to others.

Introduction to Polycrisis Analysis

Michael Lawrence, Megan Shipman, and Thomas Homer-Dixon
This guide presents the Cascade Institute’s framework for polycrisis analysis. It introduces an integrated set of concepts that clarifies interactions between global systemic crises and the potential outcomes of those interactions. It is intended to help governments, firms, and communities see through the fog currently surrounding global risks more effectively, so they can better anticipate and respond to emerging threats.

Global polycrisis: The causal mechanisms of crisis entanglement

Michael Lawrence, Thomas Homer-Dixon, Scott Janzwood, Johan Rockström, Ortwin Renn, and Jonathan F. Donges
This peer-reviewed paper, published in Cambridge University Press's Global Sustainability journal, defines the concept of global polycrisis and provides a theoretical framework to explain causal mechanisms currently entangling many of the world’s crises.

What is a global polycrisis?

Michael Lawrence, Scott Janzwood, and Thomas Homer-Dixon
September 16, 2022 • This discussion paper argues that the concept of “global polycrisis” provides a useful framework with which to understand and address major problems afflicting humanity today.

Deep Geothermal Superpower: Canada’s potential for a breakthrough in enhanced geothermal systems

Ian Graham, Ellen Quigley, Scott Janzwood, and Thomas Homer-Dixon
This opportunity analysis makes the case that Canada can and should become the global leader in ultra-deep geothermal electricity production.

A call for an international research program on the risk of a global polycrisis

Thomas Homer-Dixon, Ortwin Renn, Johan Rockström, Jonathan F. Donges, and Scott Janzwood
March 8, 2022 • This paper calls for a research program to investigate this moment’s seemingly sharp amplification, acceleration, and synchronization of systemic risks.

Levelling up: The next phase of youth climate action in Canada

Hanna Ross and Scott Janzwood
January 31, 2022 • This report presents findings from the Youth Climate Values Survey, which maps out shared and divergent beliefs, priorities, and values within the Canadian youth climate movement.

Correcting Canada’s “one eye shut” climate policy

Angela V. Carter and Truzaar Dordi
April 15, 2021 • This paper shows how growing oil and gas production is impeding Canada from meeting its climate commitments, outlines how the federal government is now supporting oil and gas production growth, and recommends specific policies the federal government could adopt in the near-term to begin a phase out of oil and gas production.

Pension funds at a crossroads: Incremental greening or bold climate leadership?

Scott Janzwood
February 23, 2021 • This paper investigates the forces constraining pension funds from taking a bolder leadership role in the net-zero carbon energy transition. It presents strategies for organizations, activists, and researchers to accelerate pension fund leadership on a timescale that is commensurate with the urgency of the climate crisis.

Max – a thought experiment: Could AI run the economy better than markets?

Edward A. (Ted) Parson
October 29, 2020 • This paper explores how recent advances in AI have re-opened questions around the feasibility and desirability of central economic planning. It presents a thought experiment about how an AI-directed economy might work, based on a powerful AI agent (whimsically named “Max”).

The social distancing norm cascade

Scott Janzwood
April 27, 2020 • This paper analyzes the rapid and widespread changes in attitudes and behaviours toward social distancing practices during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights how incentives and social network dynamics interact with belief systems to determine whether or not people act consistently with their underlying beliefs.